By   April 21, 2024

My long relationship with MediaWiki is over.  It’s been over for a while if I’m honest.

Anyway, there’s no trivial way to import MediaWiki data into Bookstack but here’s what I did:

  1. First I installed Bookstack.
  2. Then export MediaWiki data to xml:

    php maintenance/dumpBackup.php –current –include-files > /tmp/all_pages.xml

  3. Clone

    ./convert.php –filename=/tmp/all_pages.xml –output=/path/to/converted/files

  4. Find where your images went:

    php maintenance/dumpUploads.php

  5. Clone

  6. Go to your bookstack implementation and get an API key.
  7. Follow the instructions for ‘bs’ to configure it with your API key.
  8. use ‘bs’ to create books/chapters/pages using the data from step 3.
  9. Upload the images from step 4.
  10. A bunch of manual cleanup and reorganizing.


This is not for the faint of heart but it’s also not difficult.  Just a bit tedious.